You have dreamed of making a beautiful wall hanging for your living room wall.
Something personal! Something special. Maybe you have hoped to sew a new
curtain. Oh, and you definitely desire to produce a baby blanket complete with the baby-to-be's name embroidered on it before the big day arrives. Can anyone say "procrastination"? So we all struggle with good intentions that never come to pass. There comes a point where you have to decide. I am going to get busy and do this project. I am going to choose for a good reason to not do the project after all. Possibly, you just decide to give up. I have had many points in my life like this.
It has good for me to prayerfully consider my intentions. If you keep seeking the
Lord's guidance, He will keep you heading the right direction. Always be mindful,
that many times, God simply desires for us to persevere through interruptions and
distractions so that we can successfully complete the work He has called us to do! Pray....then persevere!!
